Thursday, October 15, 2015

It's October?!

Yes, it's October.  After a whirlwind trip back home to see my brother get married (Success!) and a week waiting around New York for the Mozambureaucracy to get its act together (with a brief and lovely encounter with Amtrak, Philadelphia, and my grandparents), I got back to Mozambique with just enough time to...sit around? Since I'm still working on transportation I've been more or less stuck in Gurue.

I'm still battling to get a car for the project (definitely making progress) and in the last week, I've managed to put grates on my new house (pictures forthcoming), install new locks (when the house sitter lost all of the old ones), hire a wonderful woman to wash my clothes (because it is really no fun to hand wash jeans), get a contract for a new project driver, almost get my company to pay back salary to the previous driver, and eat a lot of wonderful mountain samosas.

It's been quite an African week and in order to be completely honest (because the internet needs more honesty) I am very proud of myself (and grateful to all of the moral supporters and africa magic intervention that helped make all of the above happen in a week of being back.

In the next few weeks, there will be beneficiary training, maybe a business trip or two, and more pictures!

Thank you to everyone who made my stay in the United States such a success!

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